Second graduating class of nurses passed final examination through OSCE method
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The students of „Nicolae Testemitanu” the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, who are studying at Nursing bachelor’s degree program, passed the "Qualified care" practical internship final exam, using the Objective Structured Clinical Examination – OSCE method. The evaluation took place on May 19, 2023, at the University Center for Simulation in Medical Training.
Associate Professor Virginia Salaru, Department of Family Medicine, mentioned that the degree of complexity of the evaluation stations increased this year. “A mandatory measure that students must know at this stage is the adult resuscitation procedure, later they will learn the techniques of intravenous manipulation and setting up an intravenous infusion system; taking cell samples for Papanicolau test; assessment of the patient with diabetes: collection of vital signs, examination of the diabetic foot, but also education of the patient regarding lifestyle optimization; the control of mammary glands in order to detect oncological pathology, as well as training of women to carry out this check on their own at home", specified the Associate Professor.
Although the emotions were visible on their faces, the students managed to overcome them, demonstrating the practical abilities achieved so far in several aspects - from communication and interaction with the patient to manipulations on practical maneuvers specific to the training program. After about three hours the students completed the exam, and we could approach them during a self-assessment exercise and ask to share their impressions with us.
Catalin Anton believes that it was a very good exercise. Immediately after the assessment, he was able to analyze his mistakes and note down what aspects he needs to pay more attention to in the future.
For her part, Cristina Gazea claims that her experience was unusual and interesting: "It would be nice to interact with more standardized patients, who answer our questions, as we understand their complaints and offer them solutions".
OSCE is an evaluation method recommended by the World Federation for Medical Education - established as an objective in the Strategic Development Plan of the University for the period 2021-2030, in the field of educational didactic activity. OSCE implementation is carried out in collaboration with the Didactic and Academic Management Department and the Dean's Office of Faculty of Medicine No. 1.
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