First exchange of experience under "DiaMed@USMFNicolae Testemițanu" project
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Between September 28 - October 1, 2023, the first visit of a specialist from the diaspora took place under the project Involvement of highly qualified medical personnel from diaspora in the development of their homeland (DiaMed@USMFNicolaeTestemițanu).
The initiative was launched by Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the Policy Advisory Fund project, financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation.
The first to accept the invitation was Valeria Sajin - a graduate of our university, currently a neurologist at the Asklepios Klinik St. Georg from Hamburg, Germany. She had a working meeting with representatives of the National Institute for Health and Medical Research within our university, the discussion panel being held under the generic name Opportunities for the development of research and innovation in neurology with the support of specialists from the diaspora.
Valeria Sajin mentioned that she accepted to participate in the respective project with great pleasure and intended to encourage her colleagues in the field who come from Moldova and work abroad. "The involvement of the diaspora in the education of future doctors and the improvement of knowledge of already trained doctors can be extremely useful. Professionals from the diaspora usually have extensive experience accumulated in several medical centers and I think it would be amazing to pass it on to the doctors at home," specified the guest.
Professor Mihail Todiras, head of the Health and Biomedicine Research Center, emphasized that "Mrs. Sajin’s visit is a special event for us. I was impressed by her enthusiasm and commitment to this initiative and the strong involvement of the German medical diaspora in the development of our community".
For his part, Professor Alexandru Corlateanu, head of the Research Cooperation Section within the Research Department, noted that "collaboration between our university and specialists practicing abroad is essential for our project, as it brings expertise and a valuable perspective on the challenges we face. Together, we are able to implement innovative solutions and move forward sustainably. The projects carried out jointly with our diaspora are an essential pillar in the achievement of these goals, as they bring a significant contribution of experience and resources to our progress."
At the end, the participants in the dialogue established the aspects of collaboration: organization of the State of the Art sessions, training courses in the field of neurology for students, joint scientific thematic sessions, during which the latest research in the field of medicine will be presented and discussed. This exchange of ideas and knowledge will contribute to the development and advancement of the field of neurology in the Republic of Moldova.
During her visit to her homeland, doctor Valeria Sajin also participated in the works of the School of Neurosciences, organized by the Society of Neurologists of the Republic of Moldova, with several presentations: "Movement disorders", "Ataxia", "Differential diagnosis of tics".
Valeria Sajin studied under the Medicine program at "Nicolae Testemitanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy during 2004-2010. Later, she continued her postgraduate studies through residency in Neurology (2010-2013) at our university. In the same period (October 2011- July 2013), she obtained a scholarship at Erasme University Hospital in Brussels, Belgium, for 1 year and 10 months.
Between August 2013-March 2016, she completed her doctoral studies at Nicolae Testemitanu University (clinical base – Diomid Gherman Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery), and conducted clinical research, during her doctoral studies, at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) in Lübeck, Germany, on the topic "Gilles de la Tourette and other movement disorders".
Between 2016 - February 2023, she worked as a neurology nurse at the Schön Klinik Neustadt. In 2021 she returned (for 1 year) to UKSH as a psychiatric nurse at the Centre for Integrative Psychiatry.
From July 2023 until now, she has been working as a neurology specialist at Asklepios Klinik St. Georg, Hamburg, Germany.
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