"Myopia Day": Scientific-practical conference with international participation
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More than 100 participants gathered at the scientific-practical conference with international participation with the generic name "Myopia Day" on October 12 and 13, 2023. The forum brought together special guests of the European Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (EurOk).
The event was organized at the Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy by the Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry in partnership with the Society of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control and the Society of Glaucoma and Ocular Inflammation from the Republic of Moldova.
The moderator of the event, Lilia Dumbraveanu, head of the Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry, expressed her gratitude to the experts in the field of ophthalmology, who came with presentations to carry out an exchange of experience and convey the latest discoveries and innovations in the treatment of myopia. "This is a confirmation that the input of each of us will bring about a justification and an improvement of the vision of patients. A young man with myopia, who sees far-away objects, will go far", emphasized the Associate Professor.
The rector of the University Emil Ceban mentioned that this conference draws attention to a pressing problem in eye health, as well as strengthens the prestige of Nicolae Testemitanu University as a center of excellence in ophthalmology and optometry. The University has undertaken the training of specialists in this field since 2017, with the launch of the Optometry higher education program, thanks to the Moldovan-Norwegian collaboration project with the University of South-Eastern Norway in the city of Kongsberg. "This event is a special opportunity for professionals in the field to exchange experience and transfer knowledge, to highlight existing problems, to familiarize themselves with the most innovative techniques, trends and technologies, as well as to interact with foreign specialists", the rector stated.
In the opinion of Professor Victor Lacusta, head of the Department of Alternative Medicine and Complementary Medicine, research in modern ophthalmology has gone beyond the structures and functions of the visual analyzer long time ago: "Currently integrative functional ophthalmology is being developed, which is the key to success and the future of ophthalmology. Effective prevention of myopia must be one of the main tasks through the joint activities of doctors, the Ministry of Health and other competent bodies." The teacher stressed the need to develop a state program of prophylaxis in schools, exemplifying the fact that in the Republic of China, in all primary and secondary education institutions, students perform massage exercises for the eye area 2 times a day. A preventive survey among children shows the effectiveness of this method by decreasing the cases of myopia by 24 percent.
For her part, Rodica Bilba, assistant professor at the Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry, the president of the Society of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control from the Republic of Moldova, said that it was an honor to learn from fellow world class specialists and to join them in the fight with this widespread pathology.
Valeriu Cusnir, university professor at the Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry, the president of the Society of Glaucoma and Eye Inflammation from the Republic of Moldova, made a foray into the history of optometry in our country. At the moment, 65 students are studying at the Optometry bachelor's program and under the Clinical Optometry master's program. In the current year, the 4th class of optometrists, to be employed by the health system, will complete their studies. Students of two graduation classes benefited from a 2-week internship in Norway, while 11 students and 4 master's students from Norway served a 3-month internship at our university under the Erasmus+ program.
The conference covered topics such as: refraction perception and binocular vision, basic knowledge in physiological optics with clinical interpretation, key aspects in choosing orthokeratology lenses, epitheliopathy in the context of wearing orthokeratology lenses, etc.
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