Medical students marked the Students' Day through a blood donation action
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Hundreds of students of the Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova joined the action Donate blood – be a hero! organized by the Association of Medical Students and Residents from Moldova in partnership with the National Blood Transfusion Center.
The event took place on November 16, 2023, in the context of International Students' Day, marked annually on November 17, with the aim of promoting the national blood donation campaign. The aim of the campaign is to replenish the blood reserves in our country, to promote a healthy way of life and to develop the spirit of social responsibility of the members of society.
As their blood was drawn, the students were overwhelmed with pride - they realized that the blood they donated would give other people a chance at life.
Loredana confessed that she has participated in such noble actions before: "It's a habit that I learned from medical college. The main motivation to donate is closely related to my great desire to help people, for whom every milliliter of blood counts".
Vadim belongs to the category of those who donate for the first time, being motivated by his colleagues, and inspired by the idea that his blood can be a lifeline for many people: "I feel very well physically, and especially spiritually. Just the thought of helping others gives me wings. There are dozens of extreme cases in which patients urgently require blood transfusion, but, unfortunately, few people know what the real needs of blood are to save lives".
During the event, around 84 liters of blood were collected, indispensable for replenishing blood product reserves in our country.
We thank all the participants who joined this generous initiative, and we hope that in the future they will also convince others to do a noble deed for people's health.
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