Faculty of Pharmacy – six decades of innovation and progress: 10th congress of pharmacists from the Republic of Moldova
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About 400 participants - well-known personalities in the pharmaceutical field from the Republic of Moldova and Romania, teaching and scientific-didactic staff, doctoral students, practicing pharmacists, students and researchers participated in the 10th Congress of Pharmacists from the Republic of Moldova with the generic title "Faculty of Pharmacy - six decades of innovation and progress".
The congress was inaugurated by the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Nicolae Ciobanu, who mentioned that the scientific event "is a perfect opportunity to summarize results but also to make future plans, to highlight important events that marked the development of pharmaceutical higher education in the country and to honor those who laid the foundation of the faculty". The dean emphasized that this event pays tribute to University Professor Vasile Procopisin, Habilitated Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences, former dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Nicolae Testemitanu University and head of the Social Pharmacy Department, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, on the 90th anniversary of his birth.
Health Minister Ala Nemerenco expressed her gratitude, appreciation and respect to all pharmaceutical professionals. "When the foundation of this faculty was laid, in the 60s, a new start was given to the medication policy in the country, because without specialized staff we cannot talk about a clear state policy in a certain field. This allowed, first, to create our own "army" of pharmacists, pharmacologists and other specialists, who established a small pharmaceutical industry. Medicine cannot exist without good specialists in this field and without access to quality medicines," said the health official.
Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova Nadejda Velisco has congratulated the entire team of the Faculty of Pharmacy, noting that, for six decades, graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy have been putting their science and passion at the service of people, in community or hospital pharmacies, in laboratories, in the pharmaceutical industry, in academia. “The profession of pharmacist means less glitz, but more work, meticulousness and attention, with countless possibilities for development and is respected and admired in the entire world. Since ancient times, people have sought the advice and guidance of pharmacists, and things are no different today. Our first thought when we have a health problem is to go to the pharmacy, ask for advice and take something until we get to the doctor. The pharmacist is and must be perceived as one of the pillars of the health system. This profession has a key role in maintaining people's health, being involved at the society level both in the process of preventing the occurrence of illness, and as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team dealing with patient care", the Secretary General of State specified.
"Today we celebrate the vision, work and commitment of dozens of generations of professors, researchers, students and graduates, who transformed the Faculty of Pharmacy into a landmark of higher medical education, academic excellence and applied research. The Faculty of Pharmacy was founded in 1964, at the initiative of Minister of Health Nicolae Testemitanu. Despite the multiple challenges and transformations that took place during its 60 years of activity, the faculty contributed substantially to the development of the pharmaceutical field, having a beneficial impact on public health and people's well-being. Thus, the Faculty of Pharmacy has become an indispensable component in the structure of Alma Mater, which contributes to the realization of the strategic plans of the University, with remarkable success in teaching and research activity", the University rector Emil Ceban stated.
Cordial congratulations were also sent by the director of the National Health Insurance Company Ion Dodon, president of the Council for Institutional Strategic Development of our university, and Zinaida Bezverhnii, coordinator of health programs at the Swiss Cooperation Office in the Republic of Moldova.
The ceremony was also attended by guests from Romania - professors and deans of the faculties of pharmacy: Lenuta Profire, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi; Doina Draganescu, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest; Daniela-Lucia Muntean, GE Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology, Targu Mures; Gianina Cristina Crisan, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca; Codruta Marinela Soica, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara; Adrian Rosca, Ovidius University of Constanta; and Laura Gratiela Vicas, director, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Oradea et al. The Romanian partners sent messages of congratulations and gratitude to their guild colleagues for all the remarkable achievements achieved jointly, within the framework of bilateral cooperation projects.
In the plenary session, dean Nicolae Ciobanu presented a report entitled "Faculty of Pharmacy - six decades of innovation and progress". Next, Associate Professor Stela Adauji, head of Vasile Procopisin Social Pharmacy Department, honored the professor’s memory with the report "Tribute to the Patriarch of Moldavian Pharmacy - Vasile Procopisin".
At the same time, a series of topics from the field of pharmaceutical activity were addressed during the Congress, such as: current developments in drug design; contemporary aspects of pharmaceutical management, legislation and assistance; current developments in drug development, preparation/production, analysis and control; medicinal plants - current research and therapeutic use; drug safety from the perspective of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacy; systemic approach studies from the perspective of pharmaceutical sciences; risk factors of the functionality of the pharmaceutical system, etc.
As a sign of gratitude and high appreciation of the contribution to the development and promotion of higher pharmaceutical education, pharmaceutical science and practice, for outstanding results in the activity, substantial contribution to the training of pharmacists for the national health system and other states, as well as on the occasion of 60 years since the establishment of the Faculty of Pharmacy within Nicolae Testemitanu University, the representatives of the faculty have been mentioned with: Diploma of honor from The Government of the Republic of Moldova – 5 people; Diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova - 5 people; Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova - 8 people; Diploma of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy- 62 people (teaching, scientific-didactic staff, researchers, pharmacists, etc.) and Diploma of the Trade Union Federation "Sanatatea" from Moldova - 8 people.
Further, rector Ceban awarded the Diploma of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy to the Association of Pharmacist Students from the Republic of Moldova, as a sign of appreciation and gratitude for the promotion of pharmaceutical education, research and innovation in the country and abroad, of the pharmacist profession in society, and on the 60th anniversary since the founding of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
The event took place on November 22, 2024, and underlined the faculty's commitment to remain a leader in pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Moldova, continuing to train professionals to meet society's needs in the drug area.
During the Congress, the Health Sciences Library opened an exhibition of didactic and scientific publications with the generic title "Faculty of Pharmacy - six decades of innovation and progress".
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