Psychological Adaptation of Students in the University Environment
- vizualizări: 59
The Center for Psychological Counseling and Career Guidance of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy invites You to the workshop with the theme ”Psychological Adaptation to the Environment”. The students who always face different strata of communication and don’t know how to adapt the current situation to their university challenges and feel distress as they cannot put up with that all.
At the workshop we will talk about adjustment to change, disappointment or culture shock, acceptance of, getting used to, learning from the new situation.
The activity will take place on October 26, 2023, at 18:00 via Google Meet platform. Registration link:
Once you register, you will receive an access link to the meeting on Google Meet.
Event details:
• The duration of the meeting is 90 minutes;
• The moderating psychologist is Irina Dvornina, the psychologist at the Center for
Psychological Counseling and Career Guidance of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
Information at 079436018, or write a message on:
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